Nominate a Candidate


A Three Day Encounter with Jesus

How do I Nominate a Candidate?

 If you feel led to invite someone to a TDO Weekend, here are a few things to consider BEFORE nominating them:

  • Let them know what to expect on a Weekend (what happens, what your experience was like as a Candidate)
  • Make sure they are willing and able to attend
  • Ensure you can arrange transportation for them to/from the Weekend
  • Be able to carry out the Nominator responsibilities outlined in the Nomination Form

Once you have confirmed these things, please fill out the Nomination Form by clicking the link below.

NOTE: The minimum suggested Candidate Donation is $240/person (tax deductible). You will receive a confirmation email once you have successfully submitted a nomination. You can only complete one nomination per form.

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Three Days Ottawa is affiliated with One Way Ministries

One way ministries

Three Days Ottawa

89 Auriga Drive

Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z2